MIND the Mind!

By ISKCON Bengaluru Thu, 10 Oct, 2024

Hare Krishna!

Every year the 10th of October is celebrated as World Mental Health Day, so as to bring more awareness around mental health issues and remove the stigma associated with it. The World Health Organization states that one in four people are suffering from mental health problems. This is a significant number suggesting that mental health disorder is one of the biggest things that has taken our generation by storm.

Some of the prime causes of mental health disorder in this age:

  • Lifestyle: This aspect can play a significant role in the mental wellbeing of a person. Depending on what kind of lifestyle you choose, your mental state can be impacted positively or negatively. Be sure to set your lifestyle right so as to claim back your mental health.

  • Social Media: The demon in disguise in modern times for most of us is the over-usage of social media. With constant bombardment of messages and an algorithm that gets us addicted to social media, it has become a major breeding ground for constant comparison and stress like never before. Regulating the time spent on social media and the type of content being consumed can save us from major pitfalls.

  • Association: As the famous saying goes, “You are the combined average of the five people you associate with most”. Being extremely careful about the association we choose and finding people who would elevate our consciousness, would take care of all other factors that could impact our mental health. 

While there are so many things suggested as a cure to the mental health crisis, they can only act as painkillers. In our scriptures it is mentioned that our mind is the only cause for all our distresses. So for going from being a slave of the mind to being the master of the mind, the only one sure shot, permanent solution is the BHAGAVAD GITA.

The GITA spoken by Lord Krishna to Arjuna is a timeless gem which could give us solutions for practically any question we might have. Krishna’s words act as a soothing balm on us in a world which burns us down at every given chance.

Some measures we can inculcate into our life from the Bhagavad Gita are:

  • To have a good sadhana in the morning hours, either through meditation, chanting or studying scriptures.

  • To consume sattvik food which is in the mode of goodness, especially food offered to Krishna.

  • To be regulated in our habits of eating, sleeping and recreation.

  • To have devotee association where we can find the real essence of our lives.

The Bhagavad Gita can teach us a million more things which can put us on the right track to achieve our ultimate goal. 

At SNGM we conduct various online and offline courses on the GITA. Enroll to our classes and say goodbye to mental illness forever! 

P.S: We’d love to hear what steps have you taken to protect your mental health?


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