Bhakti Steps

Come closer to Krishna, one step at a time

For the ease of devotees, the summary of this page is available in downloadable form - Bhakti Steps Requirements.

The recommended books can be purchased from ISKCON Gift Shop or online from


Downloadable version of questionnaire and reading material

Chanting- min Rounds 1
Reading (Refer reading material for these topics)
Pancha tattva mantra (click here)
Prabhupada pranam mantra (click here)
Ten offenses to be avoided (click here)
Prayers for offering Bhoga (click here)
Prasadam honoring mantra (click here)
Hearing Recommended- SP’s BG classes (BG Chapter 1 – click here)
Rules and Regulation

* I will read the teachings of Lord Krishna as given in the books of Srila Prabhupada.

* I will be an active devotee in the temple’s congregation, that is, I will visit the temple as often as possible participate and associate with Krishna Conscious programs & festivals in the IBC/temple.

Writing Shiksha Paper An open book test (questionnaire)
Training- Attend Seminar No
Interview No
Service at IBC/Temple Recommended
Mentor/Guide Recommended
Attending Bv Recommended

Krishna Sevaka

Downloadable version of questionnaire

Chanting- min Rounds 4
Pancha tattva mantra (click here)
Prabhupada pranam mantra (click here)
Ten offenses to be avoided (click here)
Prayers for offering Bhoga (click here)
Prasadam honoring mantra (click here)
Beyond Birth & Death
Science of Self Realization chapter 1
Bhagavat Gita As It Is Introduction & Chapter 1
Hearing Recommended- SP’s BG classes (BG Chapter 1 – click here)
Rules and Regulation

* I will read the teachings of Lord Krishna as given in the books of Srila Prabhupada.

* I will be an active devotee in the temple’s congregation, that is, I will visit the temple as often as possible participate and associate with Krishna Conscious programs & festivals in the IBC/temple.

* Refraining from non-vegetarian food (meat, fish and eggs ) and try to lead a moral life.

* I will be dedicated to personal improvement in devotional practice and purity, by gradually applying the teachings of Srila Prabhupada under the guidance of his representatives.

* I will accept that Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Writing Shiksha Paper An open book test (questionnaire)
Training- Attend Seminar No
Interview No
Service at IBC/Temple Recommended
Mentor/Guide Recommended
Attending Bv Recommended

Krishna Sadhaka

Downloadable version of questionnaire

Chanting- min Rounds 8 to 12
Pancha tattva mantra (click here)
Prabhupada pranam mantra (click here)
Ten offenses to be avoided (click here)
Prayers for offering Bhoga (click here)
Prasadam honoring mantra (click here)
Beyond Birth & Death
Science of Self Realization chapter 1 - 3
Bhagavat Gita As It Is Introduction & Chapter 1-6
Raja vidya
Matchless Gift
Recommended- Krishna book
Hearing Recommended- SP’s BG classes (BG Chapter 2 - 6 – click here)
Rules and Regulation

* I will be an active devotee in the temple’s congregation, that is, I will visit the temple as often as possible participate and associate with Krishna Conscious programs in the IBC/temple.

* Refraining from non-vegetarian food (meat, fish and eggs ) and try to lead a moral life.

* I will be dedicated to personal improvement in devotional practice and purity, by gradually applying the teachings of Srila Prabhupada under the guidance of his representatives.

* I will accept that Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

* I will lead a pure holy life by avoiding intoxication ( alcoholic drinks ), meat-eating, gambling and extramarital sex.

* I will study the books of Srila Prabhupada and attend the classes in ISKCON as often as possible ( atleast the Sunday evening Bhagavad-gita class every week).

* I will worship Lord Krishna as far as practical at home, by setting up an altar, offering arati and foodstuffs, worshipping the sacred tulasi plant and following basic sadhana like rising early in the morning.

* I will observe fasting on the Ekadashi and festival days as indicated in the Vaishnava Calendar.Bhoga Offering Procedure (click here)

Writing Shiksha Paper An open book test questionnaire
Training- Attend Seminar No
Interview No
Service at IBC/Temple Must have min one weekly service at IBC/temple
Mentor/Guide Must have
Attending Bv Must attend weekly BV

Krishna Upasaka

Downloadable version of questionnaire

Chanting- min Rounds 12 to 16
Pancha tattva mantra (click here)
Prabhupada pranam mantra (click here)
Ten offenses to be avoided (click here)
Prayers for offering Bhoga (click here)
Prasadam honoring mantra (click here)
Beyond Birth & Death
Science of Self Realization chapter 1 - 5
Bhagavat Gita As It Is Introduction & Chapter 1-12
Raja vidya
Matchless Gift
Recommended- Krishna book
Hearing Recommended- SP’s BG classes (BG Chapter 7 - 12 – click here)
Rules and Regulation

* I will be an active devotee in the temple’s congregation, that is, I will visit the temple as often as possible participate and associate with Krishna Conscious programs in the IBC/temple.

* Refraining from non-vegetarian food (meat, fish and eggs ) and try to lead a moral life.

* I will be dedicated to personal improvement in devotional practice and purity, by gradually applying the teachings of Srila Prabhupada under the guidance of his representatives.

* I will accept that Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

* I will lead a pure holy life by avoiding intoxication ( alcoholic drinks ), meat-eating, gambling and extramarital sex.

* I will study the books of Srila Prabhupada and attend the classes in ISKCON as often as possible ( atleast Sunday Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita every week).

* I will worship Lord Krishna as far as practical at home, by setting up an altar, offering arati and foodstuffs, worshipping the sacred tulasi plant and following basic sadhana like rising early in the morning.

* I will observe fasting on the Ekadashi and festival days as indicated in the Vaishnava Calendar.

* I will accept the acharyas in the Gaudiya Parampara

* I will fast for the appearance and disappearance of the previous acharyas & Lord as given in the Vaishnava Calendar.

Writing Shiksha Paper A closed book at Sector level questionnaire
Training- Attend Seminar Basic Vaishnava Etiquette
Interview Yes,BV
Service at IBC/Temple Must have min one weekly service at IBC/temple
Mentor/Guide Must have
Attending Bv Must attend weekly BV

Srila Prabhupada Ashraya

Downloadable version of questionnaire

Chanting- min Rounds 16
Pancha tattva mantra (click here)
Prabhupada pranam mantra (click here)
Ten offenses to be avoided (click here)
Prayers for offering Bhoga (click here)
Prasadam honoring mantra (click here)
Beyond Birth & Death
Science of Self Realization chapter 1 - 8
Bhagavat Gita As It Is Introduction & Chapter 1-18
Raja vidya
Matchless Gift
Recommended- Krishna book
Srila Prabhupada book (Your ever well wisher)
Teachings of Lord Caitanya (Chapter 17)
Optional- Scriptural Evidence that Lord Chaitanya is Lord Krishna Himself
Hearing Must- SP’s BG classes. Optional – SP’s SB Classes (SB Canto 1 – click here) (BG Chapter 13 - 18 – click here)
Rules and Regulation

* I will be an active devotee in the temple’s congregation, that is, I will visit the temple as often as possible participate and associate with Krishna Conscious programs in the IBC/temple.

* Refraining from non-vegetarian food (meat, fish and eggs ) and try to lead a moral life.

* I will be dedicated to personal improvement in devotional practice and purity, by gradually applying the teachings of Srila Prabhupada under the guidance of his representatives.

* I will accept that Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

* I will lead a pure holy life by avoiding intoxication ( alcoholic drinks ), meat-eating, gambling and extramarital sex.

* I will study the books of Srila Prabhupada and attend the classes in ISKCON as often as possible ( atleast Sunday Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita every week).

* I will worship Lord Krishna as far as practical at home, by setting up an altar, offering arati and foodstuffs, worshipping the sacred tulasi plant and following basic sadhana like rising early in the morning.

* I will observe fasting on the Ekadashi and festival days as indicated in the Vaishnava Calendar.

* I will accept the acharyas in the Gaudiya Parampara

* I will fast for the appearance and disappearance of the previous acharyas & Lord as given in the Vaishnava Calendar.

* I will avoid intoxication including coffee & tea, cinema, sports . I will also abstain from taking onion and garlic

* I will be actively engaging in preaching (according to my capacity) to others about Krishna Consciousness.

* I will follow a strict sadhana programme at homeby rising early in the morning and following a program similar to the temple as far as possible.

Writing Shiksha Paper A closed book IBC level (questionnaire)
Training- Attend Seminar SP Position Seminar
Interview Yes,IBC
Service at IBC/Temple Must have min one weekly service at IBC/temple
Mentor/Guide Must have
Attending Bv Recommend to lead BV

Aspiration Assessment / Shelter

Downloadable version of Assessment Form & Questionnaire

Chanting- min Rounds 16
Pancha tattva mantra (click here)
Prabhupada pranam mantra (click here)
Ten offenses to be avoided (click here)
Prayers for offering Bhoga (click here)
Prasadam honoring mantra (click here)
Beyond Birth & Death
Science of Self Realization chapter 1 - 8
Bhagavat Gita As It Is Introduction & Chapter 1-18
Raja vidya
Matchless Gift
Recommended- Krishna book
Srila Prabhupada book (Your ever well wisher)
Should have taken Srila Prabhupada Asraya
Bhagavat Gita As It Is (Twice)
Nectar of Instruction
Nectar of Devotion (up to 19th Chapter)
Teachings of Lord Caitanya (Chapter 17)
Optional- Scriptural Evidence that Lord Chaitanya is Lord Krishna Himself
Hearing Must- SP’s BG classes. Optional – SP’s SB Classes (SB Canto 1 – click here) (BG Chapter 13 - 18 – click here)
Rules and Regulation

* I will be an active devotee in the temple’s congregation, that is, I will visit the temple as often as possible participate and associate with Krishna Conscious programs in the IBC/temple.

* Refraining from non-vegetarian food (meat, fish and eggs ) and try to lead a moral life.

* I will be dedicated to personal improvement in devotional practice and purity, by gradually applying the teachings of Srila Prabhupada under the guidance of his representatives.

* I will accept that Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

* I will lead a pure holy life by avoiding intoxication ( alcoholic drinks ), meat-eating, gambling and extramarital sex.

* I will study the books of Srila Prabhupada and attend the classes in ISKCON as often as possible ( atleast Sunday Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita every week).

* I will worship Lord Krishna as far as practical at home, by setting up an altar, offering arati and foodstuffs, worshipping the sacred tulasi plant and following basic sadhana like rising early in the morning.

* I will observe fasting on the Ekadashi and festival days as indicated in the Vaishnava Calendar.

* I will accept the acharyas in the Gaudiya Parampara

* I will fast for the appearance and disappearance of the previous acharyas & Lord as given in the Vaishnava Calendar.

* I will avoid intoxication including coffee & tea, cinema, sports . I will also abstain from taking onion and garlic

* I will be actively engaging in preaching (according to my capacity) to others about Krishna Consciousness.

* I will follow a strict sadhana programme at homeby rising early in the morning and following a program similar to the temple as far as possible.

Writing Shiksha Paper A closed book test at IBC level (15 questions from GBC) (questionnaire)
Training- Attend Seminar Vaishnava etiquette seminar
Interview Yes,IBC
Service at IBC/Temple Must have min one weekly service at IBC/temple
Mentor/Guide Must have
Attending Bv Recommend to lead BV

Recommendation for 1st Initiation

Chanting- min Rounds 16
Pancha tattva mantra (click here)
Prabhupada pranam mantra (click here)
Guru Pranam Mantra
Ten offenses to be avoided (click here)
Prayers for offering Bhoga (click here)
Prasadam honoring mantra (click here)
Beyond Birth & Death
Science of Self Realization chapter 1 - 8
Bhagavat Gita As It Is Introduction & Chapter 1-18
Raja vidya
Matchless Gift
Recommended- Krishna book
Srila Prabhupada book (Your ever well wisher)
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1
Bhagavat Gita As It Is (Twice)
Life and Teachings of Lord Chaitanya
Nectar of Instruction
Nectar of Devotion (up to 19th Chapter)
Hearing Must- SP’s BG classes (SB Canto 2 – click here)
Rules and Regulation

* I will be an active devotee in the temple’s congregation, that is, I will visit the temple as often as possible participate and associate with Krishna Conscious programs in the IBC/temple.

* Refraining from non-vegetarian food (meat, fish and eggs ) and try to lead a moral life.

* I will be dedicated to personal improvement in devotional practice and purity, by gradually applying the teachings of Srila Prabhupada under the guidance of his representatives.

* I will accept that Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

* I will lead a pure holy life by avoiding intoxication ( alcoholic drinks ), meat-eating, gambling and extramarital sex.

* I will study the books of Srila Prabhupada and attend the classes in ISKCON as often as possible ( atleast Sunday Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita every week).

* I will worship Lord Krishna as far as practical at home, by setting up an altar, offering arati and foodstuffs, worshipping the sacred tulasi plant and following basic sadhana like rising early in the morning.

* I will observe fasting on the Ekadashi and festival days as indicated in the Vaishnava Calendar.

* I will accept the acharyas in the Gaudiya Parampara

* I will fast for the appearance and disappearance of the previous acharyas & Lord as given in the Vaishnava Calendar.

* I will avoid intoxication including coffee & tea, cinema, sports . I will also abstain from taking onion and garlic

* I will be actively engaging in preaching (according to my capacity) to others about Krishna Consciousness.

* I will follow a strict sadhana programme at homeby rising early in the morning and following a program similar to the temple as far as possible.

Writing Shiksha Paper A closed book test at IBC (1st Initiation – Writing Shiksha paper).
Refer to the document: First Initiation Candidate Pre-requisites
Training- Attend Seminar IDC, Holy Name (Harinaam Chinatamni), Vaishnava etiquete (or manual)
Interview Yes
Service at IBC/Temple Must have min one weekly service at IBC/temple
Mentor/Guide Senior disciple of Guru for association or guidance should be identified before initiation
Attending Bv Recommend to lead BV

When recommendation letter for initiation is issued from IBC, it meant IBC vouch for applicant’s stability in terms of Sadhana and leading moral life. To get fair evaluation, devotee must be connected to IBC at least 6 months

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